Credit Information System (CIS) to go live in Q3

In an interview with Business World, PCEO Jaime P. Garchitorena said that credit information system (CIS) should go live by 3rd quarter of 2018.

Initial introducing of the CIS last January 2018 has been put off as CIC is still ensuring the quality and safety of data.

“The COMELEC breach was the largest in the Philippine history, and the level of data that was leaked out of the public was so substantial that it actually has the potential to allow fraud to happen,” PCEO Garchitorena said.

CIC then performed series of information technology audits, vulnerability assessment and penetration testing to ensure the data in the centralized system will be secured. The agency is also undergoing ‘validation process’ to further assess the amount of data the system has – its inaccuracies that may have resulted from data that has not been updated in the system. 

It is also expected that by the coming quarter, CIC will be able to charge its users, receive data corrections from special accessing entities (SAE) and other financial institutions.

PCEO Garchitorena also added, “Going live is rolling the services of the CIC in a manner where we can view the impacts across usage cycles and then start building safeguards or managing the situations as it happens.”


Source:  Business World