Special Accessing Entities (SAEs)

SAEs are duly accredited private corporations engaged primarily in the business of providing credit reports, ratings, and other similar credit information products and services. They provide value-added products or services, including but not limited to credit scoring, portfolio review, and analytical reports, developed, generated, or incorporating the consolidated credit information or credit reports from the CIC.

The following are the accredited SAEs authorized to access use, retrieve, and evaluate the credit data that have been submitted to CIC:

Special Accessing Entity Contact Information
Advintel Inc.
CIBI Information, Inc.

     For Accreditation and DQUA:

     For Credit Report and other inquiries:
CRIF Corporation
Island Credit Solutions Corp.
Juanscore Corporation
TransUnion Philippines


Accessing Entities of the CIC may avail the services of the SAEs for web portal, batch, or application to application (A2A) access to the CIC database.

Related pages:
CIC Circular No. 2023-02 (Revised Standards and Rules for Accreditation of Special Accessing Entities to the Credit Information System)