Terms and Conditions


eVerify Liveness Check

Personal Information

Disputed Subject

Disputed Contract


  • The CIC Online Dispute Resolution System (ODRS) is an online dispute process that is designed to facilitate the resolution of disputes with minimum contact.

  • The Dispute process is the attempt to resolve an alleged discrepancy between data submitted to the CIC by the Submitting Entity and as observed by the Disputer upon drawing his CIC Credit Report.

  • By engaging in the ODRS the Disputer and the Submitting Entity individually and automatically give their consent that their Personal and Confidential information may be required to initiate, continue, and resolve the dispute.

  • The CIC cannot unilaterally change data and must rely on the visible and reported interactions between the Disputer and the Submitting Entity to come to an objective outcome of the dispute.

  • There are specific processes and procedures that allow the CIC to properly track and monitor the process of resolving the dispute. The Disputer agrees to abide by the processes and procedure as described. Deviation from the prescribed processes may impact the outcomes of the dispute.

  • The Disputer agrees to be responsive to communications through the CIC dispute resolution process.

  • Non-responsiveness or lack of responsiveness as prescribed may impact the outcomes of the dispute.

  • The Disputer agrees that the CIC and Submitting Entity will be able to view all transactions made through the CIC ODRS. The data and information gathered in the system and all other means in relation to the dispute may be used by the CIC in part or in whole to improve all processes within the CIC.

  • In case the CIC must decide on the elements presented within the dispute process, the CIC will rely on evidence in the form of receipts, contracts, and other documents that pertain to the dispute.

  • The CIC cannot be held liable for its decisions based on the adherence to the process as prescribed and documents presented within that process. However, this is without prejudice to the Disputer or the Submitting Entity taking further actions outside those within the jurisdiction of the CIC ODRS.

  • All data and information generated by the ODRS may be requested by the Submitting Entity and the Disputer without the need for concurrence between the two parties.

  • The Disputer agrees to undergo National ID authentication in accordance with the three general data privacy principles of transparency, legitimate purpose and proportionality as required under the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations. The Disputer hereby consents that his/her National ID authentication shall be for the exclusive use for the resolution of disputes filed in the CIC ODRS

Fields marked * are required.

Input the CAPTCHA below.

Take a Selfie


Input Personal Information

Fields marked * are required.

PSA Address

Present Address

Identity Verification (At least one (1)) *
Disputed Subject   ( If you do not have any dispute on your demographic data, do not select anything, just click next )
Select the information that you are disputing:

Contract Details (If you have found multiple errors in your Credit Report, you may file more than one (1) dispute in the same online form.)
Fields marked * are required.


Please indicate the following details:

  • what type of loan is being disputed (ex. Personal loan, home loan, vehicle loan, credit card, etc.);
  • missing months, if any that you want to see in your credit report;
  • amount of outstanding balance, and
  • payment status

Identity Verification

Permanent Address

Present Address

Input the captcha code inside the textbox

By clicking Submit, you will end this process and you will not be able to use this Credit Report to file another dispute.

The data you have submitted will be shared with and sent to the Submitting Entity/ies that you have indicated for proper action. If you do not wish to share this information, you may end the session by closing the browser or this window. All information inputted will be deleted.

The CIC and the Submitting Entity cannot be held liable for any actions resulting from incorrect and/or incomplete information that were submitted through the online DRP.